0 lgbtq-plus-blue-orange-cool-romantic-aesthetics-book-cover-ideas-with-sunset-holding-hands-blond-boy-subway-surfer-vibe-dark-haired-guy-chicago-city-3c49a0cf45 The visual composition carefully balances elements symbolic of both California and Chicago. The surfer vibe of the blond boy and the city-friendly demeanor of the dark-haired character create an engaging visual contrast that reflects their personalities and story. The moving subway and sunset add a dynamic backdrop, suggesting both the pace of city life and the warmth of their narrative. The modern sans-serif font for the title implies a contemporary setting, while the more traditional serif font for the author's name adds a touch of elegance, creating a juxtaposition that mirrors the characters' identities. Glossy paper stock was chosen to emphasize the vivid, contrasting colors and give the cover a polished finish that aligns with the book's romantic and aesthetic appeal.